Offaly Good: The Benefits & Differences Between Liver & Multi-Organ Supplements
Not in a reading mood? Scroll to the end for quick side-by-side comparison and discount code for both supplements!
But First, Why Supplement with Organs?
Organ meats are incredibly nutrient-dense!
This is mainly because they perform such important functions throughout the body. Organs are stocked with lots of resources, aka vitamins and minerals for optimal function. In addition to this, organ meats have some of the lowest amounts of anti-nutrients (pro-inflammatory elements to discourage eating) when compared to muscle meats and plant proteins. Sounds silly, but as a society, we rarely indulge in organ meats these days, so we are overloaded with the inflammatory effects of muscle meats and plant proteins in our diets, which can cause digestive stress.
Organ meats are rich in glycine, vitamin A, B vitamins, and minerals, sometimes even Vitamin C (hiiii adrenals), glycine in particular can help counteract the more inflammatory aspects of the amino acids. Organ meats (or supplementation) pack an additional punch to your diet and inflammatory response. With soil degradation it is imperative that we source the most nutrient dense aspect of the animal to reap benefits and nutrition.
This is News to Me!
Yes! It is not widely talked about, but it is a very old tradition with roots in almost every heritage. We all have that traditional family recipe that calls for weird inclusions such as chicken gizzards, liver, or bone marrow. In fact, jello can be a superfood if sourced correctly, which makes my midwestern heart sing.
Glandular Therapy as it can be called, is the hypothesis that like treats like. Therefore, in some cultures a person with a weak heart would be given a multitude of heart meat in their diet to help support their heart function. The modern idea behind this ancient practice is that the nutrients and enzymes found in the supplemented organ are what may be missing from the afflicted’s diet and supports the repair and optimal function of their gland/organ.
So Here’s the Deal
I love the benefits of an organ meat rich diet, but just haven’t had time to dive in head first with cooking techniques and recipes to actually make them enjoyable. I plan to, but that’s not my wheelhouse. It is, however, these gals’, so if you’re an adventurous cook I’d check out their YouTube page for more.
Desiccated Liver Capsules:
Desiccated, or dried out, liver capsules support your liver by supplying nutrients including Vitamin A, B Vitamins, Iron, Zinc, Copper, even glycogen to your liver. Of all the animal glandulars available for consumption, liver is the one of the most nutrient dense organs, so you get a lot of bang for your buck when supplementing with it.
This means it’s an affordable, food-based multi-vitamin supplement.
So, at a Glance the Pros of Liver Supplementation:
affordable supplementation of the most essential vitamins/minerals
great source of amino acids (protein)
food source of
vitamin A (retinol)
B vitamins
provides enzymatic support to your liver
minimal taste
I supplement with Perfect Supplement’s Desiccated Liver because their formula allows for just 4 capsules a day and for the quality, it is the most affordable. I love that they are transparent with their testing, certification, and sourcing.
Multi-Organ Supplement:
A multi-organ supplement packs more of a varied nutrient punch. There are more organ components to the supplement giving it a broader spectrum of nutrients and support to your organs and glands. The downside to this is that the organ supports are not as concentrated as liver, but that can also be a positive, as you’re not overdoing any specific supplementation.
Most glandular supplements consist of a blend of heart, spleen, kidney, liver and pancreas. Not to beat a dead horse, but again, Perfect Supplements goes beyond this and added thymus. Thymus is great for immune support and gives an added unique dimension to a multi-organ supplement, which is why I love recommending this multi-organ supplement to my clients.
So, at a glance the Pros of a Multi-Organ Supplementation:
diverse support for multiple organs/glands
more targeted immune support due to thymus and spleen components
animal source of vitamin C (skin and immune support!)
potentially better supplement absorption thanks to pancreatic enzymes
food source of:
kidney helps support blood flow & histamine response
supports heart health and mitochondria function as a good source of CoQ10
minimal taste
So What the F*ck do I take?
Personally, I like to vary my choices depending on the season and circumstances!
In the winter months, I choose to supplement with the multi-organ supplement because I don’t have access to as much fresh food and want the added immune nutrients provided with this supplement.
In the summer months, I’ll switch over to desiccated liver.
If I am traveling, experiencing allergies, or feel especially rundown, I’ll supplement both for a few weeks to give my body an extra boost.
Ancestral Supplements also makes a great glandular blend. I also love that they have singular gland supplements if you’re looking for a more targeted approach.
You can direct any questions to me here!
Note: Always check with your practitioner or health care provider and consider any allergies before supplementing!
The information on this website is intended as educational advice only and should not be used in place of a medical provider to diagnose or treat any illness.